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Peanut ang ku kueh
  • How long can Ang Ku Kueh, Soon Kueh and the other kuehs last at room temperature?
    All kuehs can be kept at room temperature till the night of purchase.
  • How do I keep the kuehs if they are unfinished?
    Please store all leftover kuehs in the fridge (chiller) by the end of the day. 当晚需要收冰箱.
  • How long can the kuehs be kept?
    Kuehs can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days. 可以收到 3 天.
  • What are the steps to heating up the kuehs? (红龟粿, 筍粿, 韭菜, 竹筍, 饭粿)
    Let the kuehs rest for about 5-10 minutes in room temperature before steaming. Apply a thin layer of oil on the steaming plate Steam only in boiling water 从冰箱取出了解冻 5-10 分钟,然后分开放在蒸盘上 注意:蒸盘上需要涂上一层薄薄的食油,以免粿粘在一起 需要等水滚后才蒸 ** 芋头需要切成片再收,之后方便蒸 For Ang Ku Kueh, Soon Kueh, Ku Cai Kueh, & Bamboo Shoot Kueh Steam for 5 - 10 minutes or until the kuehs turn hot 红龟粿, 筍粿, 韭菜, 竹筍, 饭粿 蒸上 5-10 分钟,或到热
  • What are the steps to heating up Glutinous Rice and Abacus? (糯米饭, 算盘子)
    Steam for about 20 - 25 minutes, varies depending on quantity. 蒸上 20-25 分钟, 视份量而蒸.
  • What are the steps to heating up Yam Cake? (芋头)
    Steam for about 10 - 15 minutes, varies depending on quantity. 蒸上 10-15 分钟, 视份量而蒸.
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